Hello, my name is
Nikhil Chavan
And I'm a
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About me

I'm Nikhil and I'm a

i am 16 yers old and i live in india in maharashtra. I like to learn something new dely like programming languages. When i was 12 yers old thes time i write my first programm, in C lang. Now i can develop and dising best Website. Also i can make Android apps and some programms.

My skills

My creative skills & experiences.

First i was learn C/C++ lang in online platform. then i fell boring in C/C++. i like to try new things dely. That's why i decided to make my career in Android app development. i made so many app's in Android studio. But app development is so many time consuming, that's why i entred in Web development World. Now i can make Website, App's, And Programm's also. I am expert in Html, Css, JavaScript, Php, MySQL, C/C++, Python, Java, Dart, Kotlin.

HTML 90%
CSS 60%
JavaScript 80%
PHP 50%
MySQL 70%

Contact me

Get in Touch

This Website is made for Contact with me. So if you want to contact me, you can send an email to my account. You can also follow me on instagram. Thanks :)

Nikhil Chavan
Jalgaon, Maharashta
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